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Material Densification
Material Densification
Material densification is a critical process for many manufacturing and materials processing applications. By using high-pressure techniques, materials such as metals, ceramics, and composites can be compressed to higher densities, resulting in increased mechanical properties and performance.
Sheet Metal Forming
Sheet Metal Forming
Flexform™, also called fluid cell forming, is a low-cost sheet metal forming process designed for both prototyping and lower volume parts production.
Food Processing
Food Processing
Quintus Technologies’ High Pressure Processing (HPP) is a natural, scientifically validated technology for food processing. HPP delivers food safety benefits, extends shelf-life, and maintains flavor, freshness, and nutrients. HPP uses ultra-high pressures instead of high temperatures and preservatives to inactivate foodborne pathogens, reduce waste, and deliver natural and nutritious.
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Sheet Metal Forming
Customer Stories
Find out why Quintus Fluid Cell Presses is the heart of Jobro Sheet Metal Technology´s production line
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Optimizing sheet metal forming – Jet engine exhaust duct
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Quintus helps Trestad Laser expand market and improve productivity
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Piper offers its efficient high-pressure capacity with the help of Quintus Flexform Fluid Cell Presses
White paper
Optimizing Sheet Metal Forming – Aircraft Doorframe
Formability of titanium Ti6AI-4V at moderate temperature combined with high-pressure
White paper
Formability of Ti-6Al-4V at low temperature and high-pressure