Material Densification
Technical Publication

Influence of Combined Heat Treatment and Hot Isostatic Pressure (HT-HIP) on Titanium Aluminide Processed by L-PBF

This work presents a novel strategy to postprocess L-PBF TiAl by applying combined heat treatment and hot isostatic pressing in one process, namely HT-HIP. The process includes three cycles with different conditions (i.e., temperature, time, and pressure). These conditions were determined to achieve improved part quality and microstructure. The results show that the tensile residual stresses decreased from a peak of 249 MPa in the as-built sample to compressive stresses that peaked at -90 MPa after the HT-HIP process. The number and size of internal defects could be greatly reduced. The defects were transformed into a regular spherical shape, which is good in terms of fatigue strength. Additionally, a duplex microstructure with lamellar 2/ colonies could be introduced for better ductility.


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