Material Densification
Technical Publication

Comparison of fatigue life behavior between 4-point and uniaxial loading for L-PBF Ti–6Al–4V after HIP treatments

The study investigated the effects of Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) on the fatigue performance of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) Ti–6Al–4V alloy under both 4-point bending and uniaxial testing. Three HIP-cycles were examined: standard, low temperature/high pressure (LTHP), and super beta. Moreover, an annealed heat treatment group was incorporated to compare against the HIP groups.
The HIP treatment groups behaved similarly during 4-point bending and uniaxial testing, with the LTHP obtaining a superior fatigue life behavior, followed by the standard and super beta HIP groups. In addition, the efficacy of HIP to reduce pores showed better results in the 4-point bending specimens, leading to few defects as fatigue initiators in contrast to the uniaxial specimens.


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