Preserve food safety in meat products
With growing concern among consumers over chemical preservatives in foods, HPP offers the possibility to grow sales due to the extension of shelf-life and quality. Since HPP allows for the reduction or elimination of preservatives, some of which contain sodium such as sodium benzoate, HPP offers companies the possibility of marketing products with a reduced sodium content. The reduction of sodium in foods, particularly in meat processed products is a major global health issue.
Lastly and most importantly, since the products are HPP treated in their final packages, the assurance of avoiding a costly product recall and damaging brand trust is a major benefit both corporately speaking and in the context of improving public health.
Benefits of HPP in meat products
Ensures post packaging food safety
Protects manufacturers, food establishments and consumers.
Avoids costly product
Avoids costly product recalls and provides brand protection.
Microbiological efficacy
Uniform microbiological efficacy throughout the products. Lower sodium levels, enhanced tenderness for select raw meats
Extends the quality
Extends both refrigerated shelf life and the products’ quality attributes. Meets import and export regulatory requirements for pathogen control.