Flexform™ Benefits for the Aerospace Titanium Industry
The Flexform™ High Pressure Warm Forming process is a new technology that can replace or complement existing Titanium forming methods, such as hot-forming, hot stamping, super plastic forming, SPF, and hot gas forming.
50% reduction in production costs
Protection gas may be eliminated, due to the relatively low temperature process. Time for part cleaning after processing is reduced to a minimum, and the need for forming tool maintenance is also greatly reduced due to galling from the titanium blanks. Finally, the energy consumption is also greatly reduced, compared to traditional hot forming methods.
Five times increased throughput
The HPWF process, with less than 5 minutes cycle time, including heating, loading, forming and unloading, can handle multiple tools in one and the same forming cycle, while allowing for very rapid tool changes. Forming at relatively low temperatures enables quick cooling. The new Flexform™ HPWF process has a production capacity of some five times traditional hot-forming processes.
Forming repeatability
The flexibility of the process allows for springback compensation in the die design, hence compensation for material spring back can be implemented into the process, allowing final shape parts to come directly from the process.
Formability of titanium Ti6AI-4V at moderate temperature combined with high-pressure

Shaping the Aerospace Titanium industry with Flexform presses
The Flexform High Pressure Warm Forming process is a new technology that can replace or complement existing Titanium forming methods, such as hot-forming, hot stamping, super plastic forming, SPF, and hot gas forming.

High Pressure Warm Forming Reshapes the Economics of Ti-6Al-4V Parts
High Pressure Warm Forming (HPWF), an innovative new process developed by Quintus Technologies, breaks the cost barrier that has, until now, prevented more widespread adoption of this exceptional material.

Formability of Titanium Ti-6Al-4V sheets at moderate temperature combined with high-pressure
A new forming technology, the High Pressure Warm Forming process, HPWF, combines high pressure with a moderately elevated temperature providing a more rapid and cost-effective fabrication solution for aerospace-grade titanium parts.