High Pressure 기술로 세상을 바꾸다

제공 서비스

Quintus는 첨단 소재의 고밀화, 판금 성형, 고압 가공 (식음료의 혁신, 안정성, 저장수명 증가)의 세 개 주요 분야에서 High Pressure 시스템을 설계, 제조, 설치 및 지원하고 있습니다.

소재 고밀화

소재의 특성을 개선 또는 변화

식품 가공

음식료 보존의 자연친화적 가공법

판금 성형

경제적인 판금 성형 공정




서비스 제공업체


에너지 및 저장


의료용 임플란트 및 공구


항공 우주

고객 사례

Customer Stories

Saab Dynamics and PartnerTech Karlskoga secure continuous production with Quintus Cold Isostatic Pressing System upgrade

Customer Stories

Quintus helps Trestad Laser expand market and improve productivity

Customer Stories

Piper offers its efficient high-pressure capacity with the help of Quintus Flexform Fluid Cell Presses

Customer Stories

View our customer conversation with Burloak Technologies

Customer Stories

Read more about Premium AEROTEC and their upgrade

고객 사례

Customer Stories

Saab Dynamics and PartnerTech Karlskoga secure continuous production with Quintus Cold Isostatic Pressing System upgrade

Trestad Laser Customer Story with Quintus
Customer Stories

Quintus helps Trestad Laser expand market and improve productivity

Customer Stories

Piper offers its efficient high-pressure capacity with the help of Quintus Flexform Fluid Cell Presses

View our customer conversation with Burloak Technologies
Customer Stories

View our customer conversation with Burloak Technologies

Read more about Premium AEROTEC and their upgrade
Customer Stories

Read more about Premium AEROTEC and their upgrade

Watch the video with Doug Puerta, CEO of Stack Metallurgical Group
Customer Stories

Watch the video with Doug Puerta, CEO of Stack Metallurgical Group

최신 소식


데이터를 찾을 수 없습니다
데이터를 찾을 수 없습니다

지식 센터

The Quintus Care Program - Partnership for life

The Quintus® Care Program – Partnership for life

Isostatic pression solutions for scalable, cost-effective solid-state battery (SSB) production
White paper

Throughput and cost analysis of solid-state battery production


QIH 200 URC® – the largest HIP with full HPHT™ capability

White paper

Benefits of using HIP for additively manufactured thin-walled, high-performance heat exchangers

Variety of ready to eat meat products including ham and sausages.
White paper

Maximize food safety and shelf-life for RTE meat products with high pressure processing (HPP)


HPP QIF 600L – the world’s largest HPP press ready for high production demand

The Quintus Care Program - Partnership for life

The Quintus® Care Program – Partnership for life

Isostatic pression solutions for scalable, cost-effective solid-state battery (SSB) production
White paper

Throughput and cost analysis of solid-state battery production


QIH 200 URC® – the largest HIP with full HPHT™ capability

White paper

Benefits of using HIP for additively manufactured thin-walled, high-performance heat exchangers

Variety of ready to eat meat products including ham and sausages.
White paper

Maximize food safety and shelf-life for RTE meat products with high pressure processing (HPP)


HPP QIF 600L – the world’s largest HPP press ready for high production demand