外包您的 HPP?节省高达 50%
恭喜您向 HPP 迈出了第一步!对于成千上万个地区性和初创食品和饮料产商,除了为数不多的历史悠久的国内和全球食品生产商,为他们的部分或全部产品采用 HPP 的决策在过去的十年中越来越普遍。
HPP 变革了食品和饮料的保存方式,让生产商和销售商能够创造出消费者期望的创新产品,比如不含防腐剂、保留所有天然营养的产品。HPP 还最大程度减少能源和化学品的使用,这从可持续角度看具有积极意义。
✓ Premium products with a fresh taste – better mouthfeel for certain products.
✓ Greater options for clean label products – the need for chemical preservatives is eliminated.
✓ Higher nutritional value – bioactive components and covalent bonds are not affected.
✓ Prolongs refrigerated shelf life 2 to 10 times longer – increased market reach.
✓ Greater flexibility in production planning, raw material procurement and logistics.
✓ Opportunities for new products – unique behaviour of hydrocolloid materials.
✓ Reduced frequency of food safety testing – post packaging, post lethality process.
✓ Fully compliant with global food safety regulations.
食品加工业的 HPP QIF 400L
HPP 技术助力食品行业解决全球可持续性挑战,比如食品浪费、产品召回和相关食物传播疾病。HPP 非热方法得到广泛认可,能够灭活食源性病原体,延长冷藏保质期,对风味或营养没有任何影响,这是其他种类的食品加工方法无法做到的。