
超高压加工 (HPP) – 保存食品和饮料的天然方式。


“食品召回”- 在任何食品企业的发展历程中能够造成问题的原因并不多。无论您的食品公司刚开始受管制的市场推广,还是已经从业好几十年并且在多个地区开展业务,毫无疑问的是,经历食品召回决不是任何公司使命的一部分。在 Quintus Technologies,我们有一个口号:“预防问题总比解决问题好”。超高压加工 (HPP) 解决方案背后的理念就是这么简单。

HPP 变革了食品和饮料的保存方式,让生产商和销售商能够创造出消费者期望的创新产品,比如不含防腐剂、保留所有天然营养的产品。HPP 还最大程度减少能源和化学品的使用,这从可持续角度看具有积极意义。

✓ Premium products with a fresh taste – better mouthfeel for certain products.

✓ Greater options for clean label products – the need for chemical preservatives is eliminated.

✓ Higher nutritional value – bioactive components and covalent bonds are not affected.

✓ Prolongs refrigerated shelf life 2 to 10 times longer – increased market reach.

✓ Greater flexibility in production planning, raw material procurement and logistics.

✓ Opportunities for new products – unique behaviour of hydrocolloid materials.

✓ Reduced frequency of food safety testing – post packaging, post lethality process.

✓ Fully compliant with global food safety regulations.

