
✓ Are you are looking for cost reduction in your sheet metal fabrication process?
✓ Do you see a need for low volume sheet metal parts in a wide variety?
✓ Would you appreciate a wider design freedom?


Flexform™ is a sheet metal hydroforming method for cost effective, low-volume production, ideal for:

✓ From large to small, from shallow to deep parts, in nearly all metal alloys and blank thicknesses.
✓ Prototyping and low-volume production, where lead time, quality, part shape flexibility and cost is of essence.

Quintus Technologies 为全球著名制造商供应高压液压成型冲压机,比如 BMW(宝马)、Daimler(戴姆勒)、Ford(福特)、Volvo(沃尔沃)、Mitsubishi(三菱)、Airbus(空客)、Boeing(波音)、Bombardier(庞巴迪)以及他们的供应网络。

Formability of titanium Ti6AI-4V at moderate temperature combined with high-pressure webinar

讲座,Quintus Flexform™(柔性成型)小批量生产工艺


Flexibility in High Mix Low Volume sheet metal forming

参考案例 - 福特汽车公司

了解福特汽车 – Flexform™(柔性成型)的二十年成功史。

